The Guide On Training an Older Dog Not to Bark

The Guide On Training an Older Dog Not to Bark
The Guide On Training an Older Dog Not to Bark

Ever heard of the popular adage “you cannot teach an old dog new tricks?” Skeptics may very well believe that this is true, but in the general sense this is most definitely false particularly when it comes to disruptive behavior. Barking is a natural behavior for every dog which is useful when it comes to guarding against intruders. It is a different matter when your furry friend barks at every car that passes by the window. It signifies a long neglected issue which needs to be addressed.

When it comes to training, there is usually an association of pain which is normal if you want your pets to remember this training. Same goes with people, a little spanking on your kid’s hand will do to help train them become more restrained and less spoiled. But with older dogs, hurting them simply will not do. It takes an enormous amount of patience, consistency and persistence. How to train your senior pet dog not to keep barking all the time? These are just a few helpful tips.

The Guide On Training an Older Dog Not to Bark

  • Remain calm. When your pooch starts barking like crazy, remain calm and exude a positive composure. Showing your dog negative reactions and emotions while he is at it will only confirm his need to keep barking, that he is right to be as upset as he already is. (read more here)

  • Give a command. You need to use a certain command for your dog to stop barking. Any command will do such No or Enough. Some pet owners have had enough luck with a certain command for that specific behavior. Whatever command you choose to give, be sure to have consistency and do not ever change the cue.
  • Positive reinforcement. Each time your pet complies with your command, reward him with a treat or an extra special pat which communicates to him that he has done the right thing. Pets are most likely to remember and will look forward to that yummy dog biscuit or affectionate gestures given to him each time he does something you are pleased with.
  • Negative reinforcement. Of course, there has to be a balance in training your pet. It may not be a more physically inclined form of discipline, but it has to be done. For example, you can squirt your dog with water from a bottle if he continues barking after you have given your command. This form of corrective method startles your dog and distracts him from barking at the object or person he is barking at.
  • Establish your position. Once you have successfully gotten your pet’s attention, command your dog to lay down. This is another form of reinforcing your position as your dog’s alpha. Your pet needs to realize that if the alpha is not concerned, he should not be concerned as well.

Repeat. Each time your senior dog barks, repeat this process. With each progress, wait for a while longer before praising your dog from ceasing to bark. This sends the message that the silence, and the calm demeanor is not what’s being rewarded but the silence.


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