Home Remedies For Dog Ailments

Seeing your dog get sick can be stressful since you can’t help but worry about his condition. While it is important to seek the presence of a veterinarian and the medical help he can give, there are things you can do to treat your dog at home. There are simple and easy to prepare home remedies for dog ailments that you can use to make your pet feel better.

This can be done when your dog is not suffering from a serious illness and veterinary assistance is not immediately required. Not only can it save you from time and money, it can also help relieve your beloved dog from any pain or discomfort. So here are some simple home remedies that you can give to your pet.

Home Remedies For Dog Ailments

 Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has been used to cure skin and coat problems in pets. The vinegar should be sprayed or dabbed on affected areas. Its best applied twice daily until the skin condition gets better.


It’s important to consult the vet before giving your pet human medication such as baby aspirin or bendryl. If the medication is given in the wrong amount or in combination with other drugs, it causes adverse side effects and may even be toxic.

Baby Aspirin

Baby aspirin shouldn’t be used on puppies as it can be toxic to dogs weighing 2 lbs or less. In most cases aspirin is used to relieve symptoms of joint pain, arthritis and fever.

Pepto Bismol

Several pet owners consider giving their pets Pepto Bismol to treat diarrhea, vomiting and indigestion. Although the treatment brings relief in some pets, it cannot be used in all dogs. (Click here to read more)

It feels good to know that you can take care of your dog at home just by using home remedies. Just how your mom provides you with reassurance and home treatments when you’re sick, you can do the same for your pet. If you don’t have any idea how to prepare home remedies for dog ailments, you can always conduct your own research to learn a few tips from the expert.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you no longer need a veterinarian for your pet. This is just a mere alternative to save you from getting too much stress. Remember that routine vaccinations and proper medication as well as balanced diet are also needed to keep your dog happy and healthy.


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