Category: Senior Dog Behavior
Excercising the Mind of Your Senior Dog
One of the most important contributions you can make to your aging dog’s quality of life is helping to keep his mind active. The canine mind, as well , as the human mind not challenged on a regular basis becomes stagnant , bored and less engaged in the world. Include…
Staying on the Move
If you are trying to keep your senior dog reasonably limber, the most important thing that you can do is keep him moving. Experts urge men as well as women , in orfer to forestall osteoporosis, to keep moving. This use it or loose it principal applies to dogs too.…
Separation Anxiety in Older Dogs
Older dogs , in many cases misbehave, not because they don’t know the rules, but , for many reasons, are unable to follow them. Separation anxiety is one of the most common behaviour problems seen in older dogs. Your little guy will become anxious when he senses you are about…
What Your Breeds Says About YOU!
Bulldogs Bulldogs are determined, persistent, and do not give up easily. People who own bull dogs are said to be silly and love to laugh, but can be viewed as stubborn at times. They are extremely efficient and methodical in completing jobs. Bull dogs are gentle. Owners tend to be…
Problem Behavior In Older Dogs
One of the truly most painfully heartbreaking things that’s almost unbearable to watch is to see your older dog go. As your senior pet approaches old age, you will notice several changes. They’re not as agile as before, or not as upbeat and sweet. There’s also a strong likelihood that…
How do you deal with aging in dogs
How do you deal with aging in dogs? Uninformed pet owners view it as an illness that can only be dealt with through euthanasia. In a book entitled Good Old Dog: Expert Advice for Keeping Your Aging Dog Healthy, Happy and Comfortable, the authors Dr. Nicholas Dodman and Lawrence Linder…
How Older Dogs Let You Know How They Feel
httpv:// This video is from a normal, every day kind of ‘dog whisperer’ and talks about how older dogs can sometimes seem to have a hard time letting you know how they feel since they physically are not the same as they once were. When they were younger, they could…
Changes in senior dog’s behavior, and what you can do
Is your old buddy acting in a strange and uncharacteristic manner? Old age can result in a lot of changes in senior dog’s behavior, as in humans. You have to pay attention to these changes early on, so you can make the necessary changes and allow your beloved pet to…