This is the question that I am asked the most. The old one human year equals seven in dog years, however this is not the most accurate. Large breed dogs such as a Great Dane are considered senior at six or seven years of age.Small breeds such as a yorkie are considered a senior into their teen years. As a rule however a vet visit should be considered when your little guy turns seven. This visit is important to start the correct diet and excercise for his age.
Each poopie (I call all dogs “poopies”) is different, just as we humans are different but here are some things to look out for.
If you dog is slowing down. Look for subtle changes like how she gets up from her bed.
The most common is the gray around the muzzle.
You may notice that yo have to call louder than you used to.
His eyes are cloudy or bluish. Vision doesn’t seem to be diminished.
These are just some of the signs of aging. The most important thing is to be patient, and have more patience.
What is old for Dogs?
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