Category: Older Dog Health Insurance

  • Is older dog health insurance for you?

    Pet insurance has its own set of complicated rules. And it gets even more complex when it comes to older dog health insurance. If you’re determined to get one for your fur buddy, you should know the special terms and conditions that apply. For one, many insurance companies are not…

  • Learning What Pet Insurance Is All About

    httpv:// The Veterinary News Network did a direct comparison of one test case using four popular insurance companies. There are many companies with many different coverage limits, deductibles, restrictions and even add on coverage. We only had time to look at four companies. But we gave them the exact same…

  • Keeping Dog Arthritis At Bay

    20% of dogs suffer from arthritis. The odds are even worse with your older dog, as arthritis is most common among dogs in advanced age. Nobody wants to see their precious dogs stumble and limp about—so before it comes to that, you might want to err on the side of…

  • Tribute To The Dogs We Love | Video

    httpv:// A dog is so often more than just a pet.  They are there for us when we are sad, when we feel alone, when we don’t know what we are doing, when we are feeling mean and when we are going through the hardest times in our lives.  They…

  • What to Expect from Your Senior Dog

    Dogs get older just like their owners do, though their life span is relatively shorter. And just like humans, biological and physical changes are parts of their normal aging process. You may notice them as your pet continues to show them. But before you panic, be sure to set a…