Cremations are one way of commemorating the wonderful life of your senior dog. To make the memorial even more meaningful and personal, you might want to put the ashes in an urn you did yourself.
Traditional pet urns, which cost somewhere between $80 to $400, might be too expensive for some pet owners. On the other hand, a do it yourself pet urn will only cost a fraction of that price and will also help you cope with the loss of your fur buddy.
In order to take a more personal approach to preserving your dog’s cremains, you might want to consider having a customized memorial created by a do it yourself pet urn retailer.
Why A Do It Yourself Pet Urns Is One of the Best Pet Urns
Companies like this give you a variety of options to personalize your dog’s final resting place.
Vessels can be customized with your pet’s:
- Name
- Birth and death dates
- [[Dog Pictures|Image]]
- Dog tags
- Favorite toy
Many companies will also let you add let you add a favorite verse, quote or prayer to the design. (Read more here)
Yet one more option is to create a pet urn by yourself. You can do this in two ways: by creating an urn from scratch, or by choosing a container, and with a touch of creativity, transforming it into a beautiful urn.
If you are gifted in either pottery or woodwork, making a pet urn should be easy for you. You can even put in embellishments, glazes, and personalized designs to make the resting place of your beloved pet truly meaningful.
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