A dog is so often more than just a pet. They are there for us when we are sad, when we feel alone, when we don’t know what we are doing, when we are feeling mean and when we are going through the hardest times in our lives. They are there for us the same at these times as when we are on top of the world, when we are happy and secure and enjoying life. A dog knows what love is…they understand unconditional love and have so much to teach us, if only we are paying attention.
As they age and get older, we begin to really reflect on all that we have been through together. Every happy jump, every unexpected lick, every howl, every stretch and yawn, every time they laid on your foot or lap or chest, every fetch, every stolen bite of food off your plate, the guilty eyes and the big lolling tongue hanging out their mouths; all these take on a new and more profound meaning.
There is just not enough words to say all that they meant to us. This poem and this music barely covers it. But it’s a start. We love you! We are so happy to have had you in our lives and as our best friend!
Pets? I don’t think so. My dog is my family. I’m sure you feel the same.
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