Author: Zemira
Monitoring Your Senior Dog for Signs of Disease
As your dog ages, the likelihood he will develop various changes in the function of his body system increases. Some of these will be normal changes to the aging process, others may be indicative of disease. To be more easily alerted to possible signs of disease early in the disease…
Cheers and Boos: Good, bad and ugly of 2016
The New Year is just around the corner. It is a good time to reflect on the good, bad and ugly. Cheers to our ever-loyal furry senior companions. The warmth of your pet on your lap, and the sheer joy your dog shows when you walk through the door are…
Monitoring Your Senior Dog for Signs of Disease
As your dog ages , the likelihood he will develop various changes in the function of his body system increases . Some of these will be normal changes to the aging process, others may be indicative of disease. To be more easily alerted to possible signs of disease early in…
How Seniors Dogs Behave as they age!
When dogs reach senior status, expect physical and behavioral changes. Listed are some senior issues: Changes in elimination patterns Decrease in interactions with other pets Onset of aggression in a normally nonaggressive pet Disorientation and/or poor problem-solving Changes in sleep patterns Changes in vocalization ( chico is having more conversation…
Senior Pet Care
Due to improved veterinary care and dietary habits, pets are living longer now than they ever have before. One consequence of this is that pets along with their owners and veterinarians, are faced with a whole new set of age-related conditions. In recent years there has been extensive research on…
Excercising the Mind of Your Senior Dog
One of the most important contributions you can make to your aging dog’s quality of life is helping to keep his mind active. The canine mind, as well , as the human mind not challenged on a regular basis becomes stagnant , bored and less engaged in the world. Include…
Brain Food For Your Dog
Did you know that your pets diet can influence behaviour? Have you ever eatan a big meal, and then felt lazy? Then you have idea of how what we eat can affect our behaviour. The same applies to dogs. In face, scientists now believe its possible to change the neurological…
Staying on the Move
If you are trying to keep your senior dog reasonably limber, the most important thing that you can do is keep him moving. Experts urge men as well as women , in orfer to forestall osteoporosis, to keep moving. This use it or loose it principal applies to dogs too.…
What is old for Dogs?
This is the question that I am asked the most. The old one human year equals seven in dog years, however this is not the most accurate. Large breed dogs such as a Great Dane are considered senior at six or seven years of age.Small breeds such as a yorkie…
What are the current dog food trends for dogs-senior dog
PEOPLE ARE LOOKING FOR CORN-FREE AND GRAIN FREE. Grains contribute to a healthy and balanced diet that is beneficial to their overhall health. Understnding the broad dietary needs of your dog will help you make an informed decision about what dog food you select. Corn contributes to a balanced diet.…
How to Add Year’s to Your Pet’s Life
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec bibendum porttitor turpis, vel ultrices dolor porta sit amet. Integer orci libero, tempLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec bibendum porttitor turpis, vel ultrices dolor porta sit amet. Integer orci libero, tempLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.…