House Training an Older Dog for Newbie Pet Owners

Patience is always needed!

Most pet owners struggle when it comes to house training their dogs, since dogs usually do their business wherever they please. The nuisance of having to clean after them inside the house can be enough for you to call it quits. This is true for dogs of all ages and you can never do away with this problem immediately. Older dogs are no exception to this issue and can be a handful for some pet owners, but don’t go for a second thinking of giving up on your older pet dog.

House training an older dog for newbie pet owners can be quite difficult but it is not impossible. All you’ve got to do is spend some time looking for solutions to the problem and work on making your dog a better house-trained one. Here are some useful tips that can help you house train your older dog for a more harmonious relationships for the dog, you, and your family.

House Training an Older Dog for Newbie Pet Owners

1. Remove all of the odors of the dog’s accidents in the house. This can be done many ways–several products on the market work well.

2. Get a leash, and put it by the door the dog will go out of to go potty.

3. Put the leash on the dog and walk him into the area you want it to go potty. Ignore the dog, let him sniff around. Wait a few minutes and if he doesn’t go, go straight back inside. Wait a few minutes and repeat the process. Watch him closely while inside; a house lead might be a good idea. (Click here to read more)

You really can’t blame your dog for ruining your expensive Persian rug or leaving behind a trail of what-not in your kitchen. These things and many more are in their nature and cannot be abandoned unless you help your pet deal with the issue. If younger dogs are a problem, then so are older dogs. House training can be affected by many factors but the same rules often apply to dogs of most breeds, regardless of age.

For you to be successful in house training an older dog, you have to be quite resourceful and look for tips that can help you achieve your house training endeavors. Patience and understanding for your pet should not be amiss, and some tender affection will surely ease house training an older dog for newbie pet owners.

What to Do in Case of Seizures in Older Dogs

Keeping calm is so important

A seizure is generally associated with a human condition since a person commonly suffers from it. But did you know that dogs share this disorder too? Yes, that’s right. In fact, a canine seizure is quite a common occurrence just like that of a human’s. This happens due to various factors.

Now, when you find your older dog suffering from seizure, it may already be a symptom of a serious illness or a result of other conditions. Witnessing your pet experience this can be really scary, especially if you don’t know what to do while it happens. That said, here is a simple guide of what to do in case of seizures in older dogs.

What to Do in Case of Seizures in Older Dogs

Witnessing your dog experience a seizure can be a frightening thing. The important thing to do is simply remain calm. Do not try to grab the tongue; it is an old wives’ tale that you can swallow your tongue during a seizure. Most likely you will get bitten or injure your dog if you attempt this. Clear the area around your dog and make sure there are no loud noises or flashing lights around. Keep children and other dogs away from the area where your dog is seizing. Calmly talk to your dog and pet him gently staying away from the head. It is debatable whether this does anything but some dogs seem to be comforted by their owner’s reassuring presence after the seizure. If possible time the seizure to see how long it lasts. If it lasts more than four minutes, if this is your dog’s first seizure, or if the seizures recur then seek immediate veterinary care. (Click here to read more info on canine seizures)

While the onset of seizure cannot be controlled, most dogs know when something is wrong with their bodies and can sense if something is about to happen. Your pet will either run to you for comfort or hide somewhere else, suddenly becoming nervous or agitated. When your dog seeks comfort from you, be sure to pay close attention to him as you’ll never know the exact moment the seizure will happen. It may be a few minutes or a few hours before it takes place.

That is why it’s important to know what to do in case of seizures in older dogs, especially if your beloved old pet is suffering from seizure for the first time.

Mistakes You Should Avoid in House Training an Older Dog

Training older dogs is different, but not impossible!

House training your dog so you won’t have to clean after accidents is one of the most important responsibilities of any dog owner. The process might be a little difficult but is really rewarding. You won’t have to deal with these accidents inside the house and you’ll have more time for yourself and your dog. However, housetraining an older dog becomes a greater challenge because some bad habits have been around for quite some time and eliminating them would mean devoting a lot of time and effort and without any assurance that there would be any difference.

Despite of its difficulty, house training an older dog isn’t something you can’t do. All you need is the patience and determination and you’re good to go. There are, however, some mistakes you should avoid in house training an older dog if you wish to succeed in your endeavors. It is truly crucial and pivotal that you stay away from these mistakes because a single one might mean the failure of your house training efforts. Here are two of these common housebreaking mistakes.

Mistakes You Should Avoid in House Training an Older Dog

The first conclusion one comes to when having trouble with a dog eliminating outside instead of in the house is we didn’t get the dog outside in time.  This can in fact be the problem but many times there is a very common mistake made that most people aren’t even aware of.

Your dog’s nose is a big part of the decision making process in most things done in a day.  This includes where the dog bathroom is located.

If your dog has made a mistake in the house and it hasn’t been removed properly, your dog still smells it.  Even if you can’t see it or smell it, your dog does… the smell part anyway.  Seeing is not one of a dog’s best attributes. (Click here to learn more about these mistakes and of the ways you can avoid them)

House training an older dog is no easy undertaking but it offers you the benefit of not having to deal with accidents inside the house. There are several different strategies you can employ in house training an older dog but be sure to know about the mistakes you should avoid in house training an older dog in order for your house training efforts be a success and experience all the rewards of owning a properly house trained older dog for a pet.

Home Remedies For Dog Ailments

Seeing your dog get sick can be stressful since you can’t help but worry about his condition. While it is important to seek the presence of a veterinarian and the medical help he can give, there are things you can do to treat your dog at home. There are simple and easy to prepare home remedies for dog ailments that you can use to make your pet feel better.

This can be done when your dog is not suffering from a serious illness and veterinary assistance is not immediately required. Not only can it save you from time and money, it can also help relieve your beloved dog from any pain or discomfort. So here are some simple home remedies that you can give to your pet.

Home Remedies For Dog Ailments

 Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has been used to cure skin and coat problems in pets. The vinegar should be sprayed or dabbed on affected areas. Its best applied twice daily until the skin condition gets better.


It’s important to consult the vet before giving your pet human medication such as baby aspirin or bendryl. If the medication is given in the wrong amount or in combination with other drugs, it causes adverse side effects and may even be toxic.

Baby Aspirin

Baby aspirin shouldn’t be used on puppies as it can be toxic to dogs weighing 2 lbs or less. In most cases aspirin is used to relieve symptoms of joint pain, arthritis and fever.

Pepto Bismol

Several pet owners consider giving their pets Pepto Bismol to treat diarrhea, vomiting and indigestion. Although the treatment brings relief in some pets, it cannot be used in all dogs. (Click here to read more)

It feels good to know that you can take care of your dog at home just by using home remedies. Just how your mom provides you with reassurance and home treatments when you’re sick, you can do the same for your pet. If you don’t have any idea how to prepare home remedies for dog ailments, you can always conduct your own research to learn a few tips from the expert.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you no longer need a veterinarian for your pet. This is just a mere alternative to save you from getting too much stress. Remember that routine vaccinations and proper medication as well as balanced diet are also needed to keep your dog happy and healthy.